Isn't it amazing how holidays like Memorial Day have so much more meaning now that we are warrior wives. Like many others, prior to my military life, I know I thought more about the day off than the meaning behind it. Today I think about the men and women who died to keep me free and I also think about the wives, husbands, children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who lost them.
I have become increasingly grateful for military life and the fact that it has made me a better American, more aware of the prices that are paid for my freedom and the soldiers and families that pay that price day in day out, year after year.
Since I have been away from bases and military life I find myself searching for a Marine Corp bumper sticker, support our troops ribbon or an American flag and when I find it I want to honk at the car in front of me or search in the store for the owner of the Army Mom car sticker and thank them, but I sort of frown upon freaking people out and I just have a feel good moment inside myself knowing that there are good Americans all around this Country supporting us and those little acts of patriotism validate my husbandless pregnancy, our single parenthood and the fallen but not forgotten.
Happy Memorial Day friends, God bless our fallen soldiers and their families.