Tuesday, June 29, 2010

movies for the ladies

DH has been gone for over 2 weeks now. He was supposed to be home yesterday. I'm not really surprised that he didn't get home on time. I have to admit that I am REALLY hoping he will be home for the 4th of July. We were apart on Valentines, St Patty's, and Memorial Day. Is it asking too much to be together for some simple celebration? Perhaps it is, but I'm asking anyway.

So what do you do to fill the time when your spouse is away? LB takes up a lot of my time and so does taking care of the house and yard, but there is still that quiet time at night that you would usually spend together. These past 2 weeks I've been spending my alone time working on this blog, reading a book, watching chick flicks, and tonight I was even desperate enough to clean the carpets.

It's true I hit up the red box and rent movies that I know DH would rather not watch with me. I find it ironic that I rent the most sappy and emotional movies that I ever watch, when I am alone. I think it just makes me more aware of my singleness, but I do it anyway. So here's what I've seen and what I think about them.

Dear John

I rented this movie because I like Amanda Seyfried. I didn't even know it was about a soldier until I started watching it. Then I realized that maybe it was hitting a little to close to home and I must admit that it had me crying. Isn't that what chick flicks are supposed to do to you? I would recommend it if you are in the mood for tug at your heart kinda movie.

The Young Victoria

I really loved this movie. It is about real love, not sex or lust. She is a strong independent woman who found a man to stand beside her. It left me wanting to know more about the life of Victoria. This movie was well worth the $1 I spent.

An Education

This movie was interesting. There were definitely some moments that made me uncomfortable. However, the message of the movie got me thinking and wondering about my own education. I like a movie that gets me thinking.

You might have noticed that we have added some pages. Soon we hope to be including topics of more substance. For example a list of resouces for spouse jobs, PCSing tips, and companies that offer military discounts. Want to help compile the resources or have something that you think should be included, send us an email millywife@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the sappy movie thing. When my DH was on C-17's, and always gone, I remember a specific trip where I watched almost every episode of Gilmore Girls. Pretty pathetic! However, we hit the pool A LOT, and the beach, we were in SC. I definitely took advantage of play dates, and got a babysitter every now and then for a girls night out.
    Another thing I found interesting was even though I needed a break I had a hard time leaving my kids while DH was away. It's almost like they were my security blanket.
    K~this was way too long. I thing I need to be added to your author list~I've got plenty to say!


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